Swapping Software?

Looking to implement new software into your business? I will visit you to assess your needs, help create a requirements statement and, if need be, a full specification. I will take this to the software vendors (with a formal request for tender if required) and I will consolidate the responses and make recommendations with the intention of securing the best price possible.

I will help plan data migration, staff training, website integration, portal uploads etc
If you have a project you’d like help with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I Contribute:
Unrivalled Market Knowledge
Vast Depth of Industry Contacts
Experience based on 1000s of Successful Implementations
I Enjoy:
Tough Negotiation based on Accurate “Recent Prices Paid” Intelligence
Determination to Reduce Expenditure to the Minimum
Good Technical Knowledge – hence no “Wool Pulling” from Suppliers